After spending last week in Las Vegas at the Gartner Infrastructure Operations and Cloud Strategy Conference – here are our five takeaways for IT Leaders.
Topics: Data Protection, Security, Security Breach, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, IT Security, Vulnerability, Data Center, Adaptable Data Center®, Simplification, Cyber-resiliency, security assessment, Gartner
In order to understand the magnitude of an organization's attack surface, let's walk through a real-life attack scenario and see how Attack Surface Management (ASM) could have protected the organization from getting hit with ransomware.
Our goal as cyber-defenders is to look at our organizations from the cyber-attacker’s viewpoint, reduce the attack surface, and reduce the impact of a cyber-attack. Here are seven important steps to include in your Attack Surface Management program:
Social Media Vulnerability
As businesses embrace the digital information age and the diverse tool sets to engage with the community many have found these very tool sets can be a double edged sword with potentially devastating effects. Remember when HBO had sensitive information regarding one of its hottest shows Game of Thrones find its way onto Twitter?? Today businesses have to ensure that the channels with which they operate are as locked down as their data repositories are.
Topics: Cybercrime, Service+Secure, Cybersecurity, IT Security, Vulnerability
Thirty-Eight Minutes of Panic
For thirty-eight minutes, citizens and visitors of the island of Oahu, HI lived in a state of panic. Emergency broadcast systems sent the following message to cell phones across the island: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.”
Topics: Cybersecurity, IT Security, Vulnerability
In recent days, you have most likely seen news stories about the "Meltdown" and "Spectre" vulnerabilities in many modern processors. Solutions II is aware of these issues, and we are watching the situation closely as we work with our partners to help you formulate the best plan of action to safeguard your infrastructure.
Topics: Security, Service+Protect, Service+Secure, IT Security, Vulnerability